Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meaning Assignment 2


   The native american man is the center of attention. His photo takes up at least a fourth of the composition and shows detail in face and ethnic style. He gazes at you with pride, strength, and honor. This element grabs the views attention and sends it strait to the center. He creates a symbol of respect while also calming the viewer. He relates to the other elements by the abstracted coloring and "red man" stereo typing, also the native people were well known for being extremely spiritual people as there is an eye placed onto his forehead. Also the is weaving pattern that can be seen as the background and even on the mans face. This could possibly be relation to a native american decorative pattern.

   Some of the main abstractions to this design are the color change on the native american man, the circular bike wheel that adorns the man like a halo, and the "third eye" placed in from the the mans forehead.
   The color change of the native american keeps the overall printed colors to a minimum and allows for a constant blue, black and orange color palate. This keeps the design constant, as the color scheme is a vital aspect to the overall appeal of the design. This also may symbolize the stereo typed "red man" stereo type of the native american race and culture. This is less likely sense Red Man is generally a derogatory term however, I believe this should not be over looked due to the blatant use of the color red.
   Second is the bike wheel. It is highly abstracted as the spokes of the wheel are turned into a alternating diamond pattern. This aspect is key to this design because it utilizes a circle placed in the center of a page which grabs the attention of the receiver and focuses it inward toward other design elements.
  The on of the final abstracted elements is the bike gear third eye. It presents a cue to the bike wheel abstraction but also slyly is the key element to the third eye that adorns the man's forehead. This aspect is the center of the image and therefore designed as a main focus of the image itself. As your eye catches the eyes of the man it then notices a third eye (placed on his for head) then finally realize the iris is in fact a gear. (hence the bike film festival)

   The few symbols that are picked up in this design are the native american, the eye, the color, and the bike wheel. These elements help the receiver to better understand what the film is about, what the subject matter is, and the genre the film will be.
   The native american can be interpreted as a symbol of peace, honor, and pride. Sense he is the main focus it relates to the text and the overall plot or direction of the film.
   Next is the bike wheel. This element is not only meant to symbolize a bike but the placement also hold meaning as well. The wheel is placed directly center to the mans head. This could symbolize a type of religious orientation or perhaps the wheel is a halo to symbolize holy or divine.
   The eye is a very generic symbol for sight, but when the eye is placed onto the forehead it begins to take a more metaphysical connotation. Sense this is the case we can interpret the eye as a "third eye" or having spiritual sight. This element cues the viewer that this may be a religious or spiritual film about native americans.

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